I warned you I was going to try some new things, and here is one of them!
Nightstand: I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. I read this once in high school because someone told me it was J.K. Rowling’s favorite book. I had mixed feelings then, but I’m really liking it now.
Coffee Table: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. This book is taking me forever. I like it, but it has such a meandering plot that I rarely read it for more than a chapter at a time. And it’s looooong. But very relaxing.
Kindle: Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway. I really like parts of this, but occasionally there’s too much technical description for me. Also, there was just a really weird perception switch. Has anyone read this? Should I keep going?
Audiobook: Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness, #1) by Tamora Pierce. Mr. DitL and I had so much fun listening to the Harry Potter books on tape that I thought I’d move on to these next. We do a chapter (or less if we’re sleepy) over tea before bed. It’s the best.
Not Your Mother’s Baubles: The Sudden Rise of Adult-Themed Jewelry – an awesome post from a brand new blog by a very fabulous lady. Also: solid gold boobs.
What Are the Legal Issues of Becoming A Superhero? – Because you’ve probably wondered.
Genre Kryptonite: Sneaky Men with Hearts of Gold – Okay. I wrote this. But I am also reading it!
What Shakespeare Plays Originally Sounded Like – The Globe in London decided to try performing some of Shakespeare in the original accents, and they discovered that the plays are full of puns that we’ve been missing out on for 400 years.
NASA launches rocket, frog – This picture is insane. Next time, frog, try being inside the rocket.
What are you reading?
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Audiobooks…over tea…before bed. That is the cutest darn thing I’ve heard in a while!
Yeah, we’re pretty cute. We listened to the entire Harry Potter series that way, actually. He had never read them!