There have been so many exciting things going on in contemporary jewelry that we haven’t looked at much antique jewelry lately! Let’s make that right by admiring two truly spectacular antique bracelets.
Oh hello, pretty lady!
I met this magnificent portrait bracelet at Lucy Verity, who is a treasure and who bullied me into eating strangely flavored snacks from her native England while I admired her wares. (Thanks, Lucy!)
What’s super cool about this portrait bracelet – besides absolutely everything – is the fact that the portrait is signed and dated, so we know it’s from 1845. It’s a spectacular portrait, too! Just look at the delicate lace details of our mystery lady’s lace dress and cap, as well as the fetching ringlets of her hair.
So the front of this antique bracelet is almost unbearably fantastic…and then you turn it to the side and it maybe gets even better?
Not to hate on our mystery lady, because she’s quite lovely, but look at that blue enamel? Whoever owned this piece must have been very careful with it for these beautiful blue details to be in such good shape.
Ready to see the next one?
This antique bracelet is from Jane Fletcher and it doesn’t have a portrait, but it’s just as sentimental, if not more so.
The front features a diamond bow and initial displayed on a background of what looks like silk – possibly ribbon or a memento from the clothing of somebody special?
The display is rimmed in enamel and pearls, which are echoed on the design of the blue enamel and floral detailed cuff. Lovely and interesting right off the bat!
But the inside is even better….there’s a secret message!
That lovely front panel flips open to reveal beautiful goldwork and a secret message in French!!
Have you ever seen anything this romantic in your life? This antique bracelet gives me butterflies.
Here’s a closer look at the message, to save you from squinting at the photo above! It was hard to photograph, but I did my best.
La terre tourne et nous apporte et la beaute et les amours. Emparons nous des plus beaux jours , la terre en tournant les emportent pour toujours.
I asked my French language expert – aka my lovely and very kind friend, the fabulous Severine Ferrari of Engagement 101 Magazine, if she’d be willing to take a crack at translating this missive from the past. Here’s what she says it says:
The earth turns and brings us beauty and love. Let’s seize the most beautiful days, in turning the earth carries them away forever.”
Isn’t that a fantastic? Thank you, Severine, for translating it for us!
Thanks to Jane Fletcher and Lucy Verity for allowing me to photograph and share their treasures.I met both of these antique bracelets at the Original Miami Beach Antique Show. See more OMBAS finds here!
hahaha That secret French message is so cute;)
Isn’t it?? I was so excited when I found out what it meant!
so beautiful! and i love the message in the french bracelet.
So do I!! It’s so romantic and heartfelt.