Happy Friday, my dears!
I was doing some Etsy browsing the other day (as one does) and I found a bumper crop of really lovely camphor glass pieces. You know how much I love camphor glass.
These beauties range in price up above $1,300, but quite a few of them are below $200: so don’t be afraid to click through if you see something you love.
This piece with the colorful bird is one of the most beautiful camphor glass pieces I’ve ever seen – I’ve never seen anything like it anywhere else. The tiny, significant addition of the colorful bird brings the whispering elegance of the camphor glass and filigree to a whole new level. This piece, I’m sad to say, is what sets the top end of the price range.
I love the tiny filigree details on this camphor glass necklace: all those narrow, rectangular elements are so compelling, and the piece as a whole is such a lovely long shape.
Gold filigree! My personal camphor glass collection is entirely lacking in gold filigree – it’s more unusual than the white. I think this piece is beautiful.
Speaking of camphor glass with a twist: how great is the onyx detail on this pendant? I love that chain, too, with the filigree links and pearls. Find it here.
A pretty camphor glass ring, or THE PRETTIEST camphor glass ring? With that lovely filigree and tri-color yellow/rose gold floral details, I think it’s making a strong case for the latter.
This unusual beauty is by the notable Ostby Barton. I didn’t realize camphor glass could be black, but that’s what the listing says this is and from the detail photos, I’m inclined to believe it. It’s such a striking juxtaposition of colors, with the light tendrils of filigree snaking across the glossy dark surface. I also adore the baguette shaped rhinestone detail above the pendant bail – deliciously geometric is that Art Deco way I love so much.
This brooch is like a lesson in the Art Deco aesthetic, with its close, precise lines of the filigree stripes juxtaposed with the delicate floral elements and the wide, clean expanse of the camphor glass punctuated by the hexagonally-set diamond with its flanked sapphires. Delectable.
This necklace is actually rock crystal: the more expensive material that camphor glass was intended to mimic. I think it’s exquisite; uncomplicated and delicate, with whispers of filigree.
What do you think of the selection, my dears? Will any of you be adding a camphor glass piece to your collection after perusing this tempting buffet?
If that’s not enough, here are some more (all under $200): pretty with flowers, small and rectangular, small with a star, oval with filigree on chain, larger oval with filigree, very cool with silhouette, simple oval, cute chunky rectangle, pointy ends, and oval with chrysoprase. These get a list because their photos aren’t blogworthy, but they still look like good options.
All images and info in this post are thanks to the individual seller of each item. Please click through source links for details.
I love these pieces! I have one necklace and believe the rectangular pendant is camphor glass (vs rock crystal) and I don’t know what the original silver chain is. It has a small diamond (of that I’m sure) in a rectangular design in the middle of the pendant.
I would like to clean the grime etc off, but don’t know what method, solution is best. Your input would be kindly appreciated. Thank you.
This post made me totally obsessed. I love camphor glass things, especially the very first necklace with a bird is beautiful and I wish I could own it!
Haha yay, I’m glad!! Camphor glass is a great collector’s item because it comes in such a wide price range: several of my camphor glass pendants were less than $100. Happy hunting!
Hi Becky I’m happy I stumbled onto this site. I have a camphor and onyx piece with the Ostby and Barton stamp. My mom bought it for me about 10 years ago. It’s stunning. We were told it was made before Ostby died on the titanic.
Any idea how much it could be worth? I can email you pictures.
Super curious about it. Mom just passed away, she always wondered it’s value and the titanic/ time period story. It’s has its chain and all original everything.
Would love to chat! She collected many camphor pieces for me, pendants and rings. By far this onyx piece stands out the most! I love the Black color with the reinstone center. Very similar to yours!! Mine is a oval. Thank you
Oh it sounds like a beautiful piece! Ostby Barton is a well know and respected maker.
It’s very hard to evaluate value in photos – I recommend taking your treasure to a local vintage jewelry store, if it all possible.
You might also try talking to the folks at Joden Jewelry: they do a lot of buying and they’d probably be able to give you some idea of what your piece would be worth. You can read about them here: https://diamondsinthelibrary.com/joden-jewelry-treasure-trove/
I hope that helps, and thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Stop torturing me with beautiful finds while I’m trying to save money for our wedding!
I did recently find a similarly styled (but not camphor), Art Deco necklace for $10. It’s very pretty. I posted it on your FB page.
Ahaha I share them because, thanks to my wedding, I can no longer afford them 😉
Oh man! That black Otsby Barton necklace is to die for! I hope the seller comes back from vacation soon, because I pretty much love that one…And our wedding anniversary is a few weeks away! (I also love the bluebird necklace, but I’m afraid it’s out of my price range.)
Isn’t it lovely?? I have some thing sliiiightly similar (rounder and softer-feeling) and I wear it all the time – goes with everything. Crossing my fingers for you and the OB!