The 4th of July is a big deal in my hometown (a little place called Washington, DC) so I’m taking today off to go find some fireworks to watch.
Here are some fireworks of a different kind to enjoy while I’m off gallivanting around the Capitol:
If you’re feeling patriotic, I recommend you put on some appropriate music and go revisit my post on Hamilton-inspired jewelry from three weeks ago.
I’ll be back soon!
Hey Becky,
So you too, grew up in DC? I grew up in NW and went to Holy Cross Academy in Kensington, MD.
Where in DC did you grow up? I live outside Chicago now. It’s always fun to see the look on people’s faces when you tell them you grew up in DC…born at George Wash Hospital a long, long time ago.
Have a great 4th of July fellow District of Columbian!!
Hi Susan –
That’s so funny! I was also born at GW hospital. I grew up in Silver Spring – went to Blair high school – and then after college ended up living in Dupont and Van Ness for 7 years. I’m in more suburban Maryland now, but I’ll always be a DC girl at heart.
I know Silver Spring really first job was at the Jerry’s Sub Shop there! I dated guys from Blair high school as well as Northwood. Way before your time though!!
Did you ever check out the jewels at Cartier on Wisc Ave? I used to stop by there to learn and see stones.
Anyways, I really enjoy your blog and how you showcase the jewelry you show!
Keep up the good work!
Ahaha, I bet I know that Jerry’s! My dad actually went to Northwood: I’m second generation Silver Spring. And I definitely know that Cartier well. I actually had to go to physical therapy in the building across the street – twice weekly – for a while last year, so I spent a lot of time gazing in their windows.
Thanks so much for reading, and for your comments! I always love getting to chat with the people on the other side of the screen 🙂
Beautiful star sapphire! I love its pale blue color.
Happy Fourth!
Happy 4th to you, too!
Any excuse to post this sapphire again. <3