The Graceling Realms trilogy by Kirsten Cashore. I love love love these books – they’re some of my favorite YA fantasy since Tamora Pierce. And I do not say that lightly.
Bitch Planet by Kelly Sue DeConnick (Author), Valentine De Landro (Artist). The election inspired me to finally read this angry feminist comics series, and it was just what the doctor ordered.
The Scoundrel and the Debutante by Julia London. Last night I was tweeting my irritation with romance novels with heroes who don’t understand that no means no, and one of my lovely twitter followers recommended Julia London. I downloaded this from my library immediately and I’m thoroughly enjoying it so far.
Here’s what could happen to our birth control access.
The No-Brainer Purge: 20 Items to Get Rid of Right Now Without a Second Thought: I’m trying to declutter my life and I found this article pretty great.
What are the most Googled pieces of jewelry? Pretty much what you’d expect.
Thrillseeker claims Guinness World Record dunking biscuit in tea from 70-metre bungee jump.
New Agatha Christie stamps each contain a mystery of their own.
40 new feminist classics you should read. has announced their 2016 word of the year: “xenophobia.”
For more reads, check out my Amazon recommended books store. This post contains affiliate links.
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