Hello my darlings,
Well, it’s mid-July. I don’t really how how we got here, but here is where we are!
I hope that you are all remembering to take care of yourselves, even though the world is pulling our attention in so many different directions right now. Take a deep breath, have a sip of water, try to relax your shoulders. It only takes a minute and it’s worth it, I promise.
I’ve been reading lots of fantastic books lately, largely thanks to all of your suggestions when I asked you for the best books you’ve read by Black authors! Still so many to go, but that’s how I like my reading lists.
One quick note before we get to the books. You may have noticed the format of my book rec posts has changed recently. After seeing Jeff Bezos make more bank than usual off of abject human suffering during the pandemic, I decided I had to stop using Amazon affiliate links, even though they are the easiest way for me to make money from my book posts. Diamonds in the Library will now use Indiebound affiliate links for books, not Amazon.
Also, my JEWELRY GIVEAWAY with Bang-Up Betty ends tomorrow, so don’t forget to enter!
PS: please wear a mask. I don’t want you to get sick!
What I’m reading:
The Fifth Season By N. K. Jemisin: Indiebound/Amazon
A lot of you recommended this to me and OMG I can definitely see why. This is perfectly-crafted epic Science Fiction at its absolute best. I definitely understand why there’s such a fuss about NK Jemison. I need a minute to digest this one before I move on to the next in the series, but I’m definitely going to keep going.
Gideon the Ninth By Tamsyn Muir: Indiebound/Amazon
I just started reading this yesterday and I LOVE it so far. It’s dark and sarcastic and all of the main characters are powerful women. The blurb on the front of the book starts “Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted gothic palace in space.” What more could you need?
The Heroes of Olympus By Rick Riordan: Indiebound/Amazon
You know I always need to be reading several books at once. Rick Riordan’s many books have been my nighttime insomnia audiobooks lately and I’m thoroughly enjoying them. I didn’t read read these books when I was younger, but they’re pretty great.
This Exhibit Gives Visitors the Experience of Stepping Inside Van Gogh’s Paintings.
The Rise and Fall of an All-Star Crew of Jewel Thieves. I don’t endorse jewel heists but I do love reading about them.
30 Million-Year-Old Praying Mantis Is Preserved in Pristine Piece of Amber.
The Woman Agrostologist Who Held the Earth Together: When government wouldn’t fund female fieldwork, Agnes Chase pulled together her own resources.
How a Meteor Crash Formed Stunning Desert Glass.
The Coded Couture of Antique Lacework. Um, yes, I will read this.
The Underrated Haute Couture of Jacobean Needlework. This is incredible.
130-Year-Old Video Footage Lets You Explore Everyday Life in 1890s Paris.
“Mad Meg,” the Poet-Duchess of 17th Century England. I would never not read something like this.
A Three-Day Expedition To Walk Across Paris Entirely Underground.
Book images via UnSplash. This post contains affiliate links.