The past year has brought challenges to so many of us, but one of the silver linings for me has been watching my beloved jewelry industry adapt to 2020 with strength and creativity. The upcoming VOICE: Vicenzaoro International Community Event is the perfect example. After a difficult year, the vibrant jewelry industry in Italy is bursting back onto the international scene in a blaze of glory.
A cutting edge multimedia event, VOICE really is the perfect metaphor for The Extraordinary Italian Jewelry industry itself: a mix of tradition and innovation, taking the best of the past and blending it with the most advanced technology of the present to bring inspiration, beauty, and thriving business into the future! VOICE is organized by the Italian Exhibition Group and it marks a true turning point in the resurgence of the Italian jewelry industry after the tumult of early 2020.
Scheduled for September 12-14, the VOICE event will take place at the same time of year as the traditional fall VicenzaOro jewelry show. VOICE will have an in-person component that offers many of the same advantages as the traditional VicenzaOro show, but VOICE takes things to the next level with sophisticated digital systems that will both transmit the event’s talks and seminars to a live international audience and allow long-distance participation through digital meetings.
VOICE will unite community leaders from the jewelry industry, both in Italy and around the world, to create new opportunities to connect with national and international business partners after many months of lockdown. As the prestigious Italian jewelry sector relaunches, VOICE will provide the perfect opportunity to forge new connections, discover the latest innovations and technologies, and discover new trends. The Extraordinary Italian Jewelry lives on!
A “Buyer’s Virtual Room” will serve as the meeting place for those attendees who aren’t able to travel to Italy at this time, allowing those of us in travel-restricted locations to be a part of the VOICE experience. It’s an opportunity for connection across the entire global jewelry industry.

Me exploring the Teatro Olimpico during my last trip to Vicenza, Italy.
Besides all of the communication-related innovation, VOICE will also offer the core of what we have all learned to expect and appreciate from the Italian Exhibition Group’s events: extraordinary Italian jewelry! VOICE is also a product showroom that will present new collections, the hottest design trends, and the most advanced manufacturing developments of the leading companies in the industry.
I’m sad that I can’t visit Italy in person this year, but I’m so excited to see this brand new event unfold. I’m looking forward to the jewelry, obviously, but I’m also very excited about all of the talks and educational seminars that will be transmitted live during the VOICE event. Topics range from technology to sustainability to trend forecasting and more! I won’t list them all here, but you can see specifics on the VOICE event website.
I’ve been lucky enough to travel to Italy a few times for the Vicenzaoro show in the past and it’s always been a spectacular experience, packed with culture, warmth, prosecco and, of course, Extraordinary Italian Jewelry! (Click here to see my past Vicenzaoro adventures.) I’m so excited to see the evolution of this long-standing jewelry industry tradition and I can’t wait to experience what VOICE has to offer!
For more information, please visit the VOICE website here. It’s just around the corner on September 12-14, so don’t wait!
This sponsored post is brought to you by the Italian Trade Agency.