I recently discovered another great Etsy store – RachelPfefferDesigns. Rachel Pfeffer is a local DC jewelry designer (holler) and makes really fabulous things.
As with any online shopping, please don’t forget to make sure that the pretties you’re admiring are the right size before you pull the trigger. My jewelry sizing cheat sheet can help.
Please click here if you’d like to read my guide to buying jewelry on Etsy.

Some of her pieces are edgier than what I normally wear, but they’re awesome and I’m full of appreciation for them. She uses a lot of druzy and hammered brass. Her currently available pieces start at around $26 and go up to $300+, depending on materials.

Rachel Pfeffer also writes a blog where she discusses her jewelry and also other things, like what it’s like to run your own business from home. She sounds like a pretty cool lady.

I haven’t bought anything from her myself (yet) but her work is fabulous and her Etsy feedback is nothing but positive.

Always remember when shopping online: size matters! Click here for my jewelry sizing cheat sheet.