Hello, my dears. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?
As you may have seen on Instagram, I’ve been having some health adventures. To be more specific: I’ve developed a heart arrhythmia in reaction to a medication I was taking.
As heart problems go, this one really isn’t too bad. It’s called SVT, and you can see a cool animation of what that means on Wikipedia if you’re curious. The short explanation is that part of my heart sometimes beats incorrectly, which then confuses the rest of my heart.
Rose gold winged heart ring by Anthony Lent.
If you Google SVT, you’ll find that the treatment options are usually described as something like “rest and wait for it to get better” or surgery to allow a doctor to electrocute the malfunctioning part of the heart directly. So I’m currently working on giving that first option all of my attention.
My doctor fully expects my heart to go back to normal now that I’ve stopped taking the medication that caused the problem. I don’t feel great, but I’m grateful that it isn’t worse.
This actually been going on for more than a month, but it took a few weeks for me to accept that I needed to step back from the blog in order to take care of myself. I’m doing my best to save all of my energy for healing, so hopefully that will pay off before too much longer.
I miss you and I wish this were a real blog post with lots of pretty jewels to make you smile, but we’re not there yet. Soon, I hope!
PS: I’m still posting on Instagram sometimes! I may not be able to focus for long enough to write coherently, but I can still share pretty photos.
Dear Becky,
I’m so sorry about your health problems. I hope you are all better soon. In the meantime, be good to yourself and enjoy reading all the books you’ve been meaning to read.
Warm Wishes,
Diana Mulloy
Thank you so much, Diana! I appreciate it.
Sending healing energy your way. Hope you begin to feel better soon. Your beautiful pictures, even without your commentary, help lift my day.
P.S. I never thought I’d find anyone in love with jewelry as much as I am. Now I have you and all your readers too.
Thank you so much, Karen!!
Get well soon! From a longtime reader.
Thank you so much, Jackie!
Wishing you a complete recovery sweet girl. Loving healing thoughts going your way.
Thank you, Maria!
Thank you so much for keeping us updated. I’ve had lots of health problems over the years, and I’m better now, but I wouldn’t trade what I learned for anything. I think it’s good when life gives us a chance to become more compassionate to ourselves and our own weaknesses and to those in others. I’m glad you have a good prognosis for improving. Keep your chin up, and keep us posted. I hope you’re having a beautiful day. Thanks so much for all you do.
Thank you so much, Robin, both for the well wishes and your insightful comments. I think it’s really true that this kind of experience can teach us so much and I love your open-hearted way of looking at your own struggles in terms of how they help you relate to others.
i hope you feel better soon.
Thank you!
Dearest Becky…… we are nothing without our “healthy self”. Everyone knows that you are working 24/7 for our sparkling enjoyment, so taking a minute for yourself now will give us many hours ahead of seeing you at your best. Take care of that kind beautiful heart!
Thank you so much, lovely Dallas!
I hope you have a speedy recovery! <3
Thank you, Lydia!
Having withdrawn from the type of med that you had to stop, I highly recommend high quality fish oil to help your nerves heal. Sometimes more than the amount on the bottle is needed. Increase it slowly, because fish oil can mess with your gut- but it really does help heal your nerves- which is partly why your heart may be giving off extra beats- your nerves are telling it to. (This is all rather simplified, but googling the withdrawl from that med will give you more info😉) Be well!
That sounds very interesting – I’ll have to look into it. Thanks so much for your support!
Wishing you peaceful and thorough healing
Thank you!
oh, i hope that it resolves quickly! rest and heal and look at shiny things until you are all better.
Thank you so much! That’s excellent advice.
Rest up and feel better, Becky!
Thank you, Britt!