Dear readers,
The demise of Google Reader approaches. This saddens me as much as the next blog-reader, but we must face facts. It looks to me like a number of you are still following me through good old g-reader, and I don’t want to lose you just because we’re going to lose it.
Please consider joining me on Bloglovin’. I know it’s not the least stupidly named readerĀ of all time, but trust me when I say I’ve tried most of the free Google Reader alternatives out there and this is my favorite. It has a big, no-nonsense display, an easy-to-use labeling system (you know how I like to organize), and no-fuss following.
Bloglovin’ also lets you transfer all of your Google Reader subscriptions with very minimal effort – the “Settings” page has an “Import blogs” button that will lead you through the process. I transfered all of my feeds from two different Google accounts into one Bloglovin’ account with no trouble.
Here are three simple steps to keep up with me on Bloglovin’:
1. Create a free Bloglovin’ account.
2. Click on this button:
3. Feel satisfied about a job well done.
Thank you, as always, for reading, commenting, and being wonderful.
PS: Those of you who are fans of Diamonds in the Library on Facebook know that I’ve been whispering about the possibility of a jewelry giveaway. It’s in the works. Stay tuned for more details!
Thank you for suggesting Bloglovin! After unsuccessfully and frustratingly trying to get NewsBlur and Feedly to work on my Windows laptop, I was frantic about losing my ability to read blogs. I subscribed to Bloglovin and got all my Google Reader feeds migrated, and I think it’s going to work for me. I hadn’t heard of Bloglovin anywhere else, but now I’m a happy camper!
I had basically the same experience – Bloglovin was one of the last ones I tried, and I pretty much hated everything else (I’m a Windows girl too). I think most of the other readers are overly complicated, but Bloglovin just gets the job done. I’m glad we’re both happy campers now.
Thanks for commenting!
– Becky