This book is: simply wonderful.
Other elements: Wizards, politics, the dark desires of humankind, love, misguided impulses, being yourself, power.
Read it: if you love a good story, the feeling of a real fairy tale (the scary kind) and strong female heroines.
Overall rating: 9.5/10
I should tell you that I spent the month of December of 2015 reading through all of Book Riot’s favorite books of the year. As such, I read an usually high number of excellent books in one month. I also read an unusually high number of books: 30 books in 31 days.
I could have finished 31 books in 31 days, but I was unwilling to rush Uprooted. I started it in the afternoon on December 31st, thinking it would be light, somewhat enjoyable fantasy and I could plow though it. But it immediately became clear that Uprooted is one of those rare books that makes me want to read more slowly. It was rich and glorious, and I wanted to let unfold gently before me at its own pace. I wanted to savor it.
So I did.
The story itself contains an essential relatability that I think is the root of all the best fantasy writing. Yes, it takes place in a world where things are possible that are not possible in our world. But at the end of it all, the same driving forces motivate the characters and even the most arcane of developments comes back to something understandable. Greed. Love. Fear.
I’ve told you almost nothing about the story, but I’m going to leave it that way. Do you want to read an impeccably crafted, deeply enjoyable work of fantasy with a strong heroine at its forefront? Here you go. Doesn’t sound good to you? Your loss.
For more reads anytime, check out my Amazon recommended books store. This post contains affiliate link
Stunning pieces. Little treasures reminiscent of simpler times where daydreaming and fantasy prevailed…