Welcome to Diamonds in the Library’s glorious new home!
This site has most of the same features as the old one, but I still thought I’d start by giving you a tour.
The main page is still the blog, where you can scroll through my posts to your heart’s content. On this site, the posts will appear on the main page as an image with an excerpt; to see the whole thing, just click on the title.
I still have all of the same additional pages: Book Reviews, Pretty Shiny Things, Jewelry Stores, and About Me.
I’ve also added a new Contact page, to make it super easy for you to get in touch with me. Drop me a line anytime, I’d love you hear from you! I also now have a page detailing my Policies on accepting books and jewelry for review, sponsored posts, and giveaways.
The Pretty Shiny Things page is now a visual archive: you can now scroll through thumbnails of all of my jewelry posts and click on anything that catches your fancy. To search for specific jewelers, design elements, or eras, you’ll want to go to the tabbed box on my right sidebar and choose “Archive.” The dropdown menus there will help you find anything you want.
Please let me know if you run into anything that’s not working perfectly. I’ve done everything I can to get the new site ready, but this is a major transition and it’s not unlikely that there will be some growing pains.
Now don’t forget that if you follow me on an RSS reader that doesn’t use Feedburner you’ll have to redo your feed. (If this post popped up on your feed, you’re fine.) If you like Bloglovin’, just click here: Follow my blog with Bloglovin.
Once again, welcome to the new site! I’m so glad you’re here.
PS: Moving can be stressful. Here’s a pretty picture to make it better! Come back tomorrow for the full write up of the anituqes show where I saw this beauty.
Sparkly new digs! Awesome!!
Thanks!! I’m pretty excited about it (if you couldn’t tell).