Coffee Table: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. I still enjoy when I remember to read parts of this book, but I’m feeling less and less invested in the story. I’ve been advised to stop reading other books and concentrate on this one if I want to make it to the end, which sounds like good advice.
Kindle: Delia’s Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer, a supernatural crime novel I received as a review copy from Tor Books.
Audiobook: Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede. We’re onto book two! Mr. DitL is a big fan of these (as am I, but I already knew that. They’re new to him.)
The Muppets Take the Smithsonian – You will never forgive yourself if you miss seeing Miss Piggy wearing the Hope Diamond. You go, piggy.
Georgian Seed Pearl Parure on Jewelry Nerd – Do yourself a favor and look at this post. The pearls!!!
This Doyle & Doyle post on Edwardian Splendor and Lily Elise is going to make you want to invent a time machine. It’s just all so pretty.
7 Breathtakingly Sexist Quotes by Famous and Respected Male Authors – In case you’re in the mood to hate-read something.
Badass Lego Girls – A seriously awesome toddler is getting some attention for putting lady Lego heads onto male Lego bodies, resulting in shocking things like a lady cop and a lady knight. This 3-year-old understands that women are people, why can’t the world get it? Kudos to her mom for realizing how awesome this was and documenting it.
Have you heard of My Daguerreotype Boyfriend? It’s worth your time, I promise (especially if you’re attracted to men).
Eveything in this JCK Marketplace post on opal-focused jewelry is worth your time.
City Unveils Campaign to Improve Girls’ Self-Esteem – More of this, please, world.
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