Are you in a fairy princess mood today, readers? I hope so.

Isn’t it wonderful? This antique tiara, which was made in 1910, is composed of an openwork scroll and foliate design. The delicate, looping whorls of the design are set with mixed cut and rose diamonds. The piece also has brooch fittings, so it can be worn in more than one way.
How about a closer look?
Perfection. To make it even more appealing, this antique tiara has noble connections. It was presented as a gift to Contessa Heleda Castrignano Pecci on the occasion of her marriage to Conte Giovanni Battista Pecci, General of the Noble Vatican Guard and the Grand Nephew of Pope Leo XIII.
What do you think? Is this the tiara of your dreams, or would you prefer something bolder? What would you wear it with?
This beautiful antique tiara was listed in Sotheby’s July 2013 Fine Jewels auction. All images and info are thanks to Sotheby’s.
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