This pearl, conch pearl, and diamond ring is so cool I can’t even deal with it.

You see my point? So cool. Sort of like a deadly but alluring monster plant that’s been frozen in ice. And how amazing are those pearls?
This platinum ring is made of crossover design, accented by numerous single-cut diamonds. The ring features one pearl at each end of the crossover, one baroque pearl of pinkish brown hue (approximately 11.1 by 10.2 mm) and one conch pearl (approximately 8.8 by 7.2 mm), each in a leaf-like setting.
Would you wear this pearl, conch pearl, and diamond ring? I know it’s kind of insane, but you have to admit it’s beautiful.
This pearl, conch pearl, and diamond ring was listed in Sotheby’s Magnificent Jewels from the Collection of Mrs. Charles Wrightsman sale. All images and info are thanks to Sotheby’s.
Today is the LAST DAY to enter my jewelry giveaway! You don’t want to miss your chance to win a free pair of diamond earrings!
I’ve been looking at engagement rings in South Barrington, IL. I really want a pearl. I think this one is a little much though.