It’s not unusual for Anthony Lent‘s designs to be on my mind around Halloween. That dark fairy tale feeling of endless possibility that is my favorite part of the season is the same thing I love about so many of Lent’s pieces.
I know I’ve already done one Halloween post this year…but these are too perfect not to share with you and I can’t help that it happens to still be October.
How gorgeous are these two new snake rings?
They’re true wearable art: wonderfully substantial, charismatic, bold, and irresistibly beautiful. They’re big enough to be worth rocking as a right hand statement piece, or they’d curl gorgeously around a left ring finger for just the right bride or groom.
This beauty is the Anthony Lent bespoke twin serpent ring with a pink Mahenge garnet and diamonds in 18k yellow gold. Look at that texture, the warm, soulful contrast of garnet, gold and diamond! I could stare at this all day.
If you read my post from last year on snake jewelry, you know that these sinuous slitherers are pure romance when it comes to the symbolism. This garnet ring in particular would be almost unbearably romantic as a proposal piece for just the right love story.
If the garnet ring was too subtle for you…how about this one? Look at the drama of this piece: can you feel the energy of those two intertwined serpents? It’s called the “Fighting Vipers” ring, but I’m not convinced that the passion between these two snakes is adversarial.
I’ve had the honor of trying on this piece, and let me tell you – those glorious snakes are 18K yellow gold and platinum, and they feel incredible on the finger. That huge, sparkling diamond doesn’t hurt either. A major power piece.
Images via Anthony Lent.
I first learned about Anthony Lent jewelry from their Kickstarter campaign. The designs are imaginative and the craftsmanship is impeccable. So cool!
I remember the Kickstarter! I do love their work. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Very Beautiful designs.
They are, aren’t they? I just love them!