Nightstand: Bookless at the moment! Highly unusual.
Coffee Table: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. I still enjoy when I remember to read parts of this book, but I’m feeling less and less invested in the story. Should I push through?
Kindle: Watch How We Walk by Jennifer LoveGrove. This is a review copy from ECW Press and I’m loving it. Look out for a full review soon.
Audiobook: Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede. It turns out I’ve been pronouncing “Cimorene” correctly all along!
Sparkling Diamond Plates from Astoria Manufacture de Monoco. DIAMOND plates. Would you ever?
Who is going to play this Say Yes to the Dress drinking game with me?
Kim Kardashian’s Former Engagement Ring Up for Auction. – In case you want that kind of karma in your life. Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s been kleaned.
A Goodwill worker finds (and returns) $40,000 of accidentally donated Tiffany & Co. jewelry. – Crazytown. Don’t mix your fine jewelry in with your old bras, folks. Bad things can happen.
The Power of the Military….Library! – A very cool post from Book Patrol on books for the troops.
Nicole Kidman’s Jaw-Dropping ‘Grace Kelly’ Jewelry. – I just…no words. I want to play dress up too!
Riot Round-Up: The Best Books We Read in September – These comes out monthly and are lists of the best book that every book nerd who writes for Book Riot (including yours truly) read during the previous month. It’s a goldmine if you need reading material.
Also, do yourself a favor and read everything on the internet about the Pink Star diamond. Or at least watch this amazing video.
I’m also having fun reading wedding blogs, although I’m trying to avoid getting sucked too far down the wedding colors/rustic farm table/mason jar rabbit hole.
What are you reading?
I remember not being able to put JS&MN down. But we are different people.